April was a great month for Puppeteer Sharp. We launched v0.4, which is huge! But not only that, we’ve got two more contributors. That means that I had to spend more time getting the issues and milestones ready for them as well as doing more code review. I wouldn’t have been able to release v0.4 if it wasn’t for them.

What can you do so far?

Please, go and read the v0.4 release post, I’ll be waiting here for you…

Are you back?
Cool. But that’s not all. We also released v0.5, implementing frames support, tracing and many network events.

New Milestones

As v1.0 was getting too big (because everything we didn’t know how to implement was being moved there), I decided to create two more milestones before v1.0:

  • v0.7: Page tests we haven’t implemented yet.
  • v0.8: ElementHandle features.


  • Puppeteer’s test: 405
  • Puppeteer Sharp’s tests: 168 (prev. 55)


  • Repository Stars: 71 (prev. 50) +42%
  • Repository Forks: 11 (prev. 7) +57%
  • Nuget downloads: 970 (prev. 478) +103%
  • Contributors: 3


Meir Blachman pushed 22 PRs out of 43 and reviewed all my PRs.

If you are going to connect Puppeteer Sharp to a remote browser, it will be thanks to Christian Droulers, who implemented the ConnectAsync feature.

Fabien Ménager implemented Page.OfflineMode, Page.Close and close v0.4 implementing Page.Console.

What’s Next

We are now working on v0.6, which is about user interaction (inputs, clicks, taps, etc). It will be an important version. I hope we can also ship v0.7 with many Page improvements.

Final words

I’m looking forward to getting more feedback. The issues tab in github is open for all of you to share your ideas and thoughts. You can also follow me on Twitter @hardkoded.

Don’t stop coding!

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