I’m so excited to announce that Puppetter Sharp v0.4 is ready to download from Nuget. It includes more than 25 Page APIs such as:

  • Full Page.GoToAsync/ReloadAsync support
  • Emulate/EmulateMedia/SetViewport/SetUserAgent
  • Get and Set cookies
  • SetContent
  • Evaluate javascript functions and expressions
  • WaitFor expressions
await page.GoToAsync("http://www.mysite.com");

//Do you need to wait for your javascript framework to load content?
//You got it!
await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("div.main-content");

///Emulate media print? Sure!
await Page.EmulateMediaAsync(MediaType.Print);

//Or an iPhone?
await Page.EmulateAsync(iPhone);

///Inject a cookie
await page.SetCookieAsync(new CookieParam
    Name = "gridcookie",
    Value = "GRID",
    Path = "/grid.html"

//Or even HTML!
await page.SetContentAsync("<div>hello</div>");

//How about executing javascript functions?
await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("(a) => 5 + a", myValueForA);

Extra goodies

We added support for remote browser connections. This will allow Puppeteer Sharp to be used in docker containers or Azure Functions.

var options = new ConnectOptions()
    BrowserWSEndpoint = $"wss://chrome.browserless.io/..."

var url = "https://www.google.com/";

using (var browser = await PuppeteerSharp.Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(options))
    using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())
        await page.GoToAsync(url);
        await page.PdfAsync("wot.pdf");

These are the new available APIs:

- Page.GoToAsync
- Page.ReloadAsync
- Page.EmulateMediaAsync
- Page.SetViewport
- Page.EmulateAsync
- Page.SetUserAgentAsync
- Page.MetricsAsync
- Page.Dialog
- Page.Error
- Page.RequestCreated
- Page.GetCookiesAsync
- Page.SetCookieAsync
- Page.SetExtraHttpHeadersAsync
- Page.AuthenticateAsync
- Page.SetJavaScriptEnabledAsync
- Page.SetContentAsync
- Page.EvaluateFunctionAsync
- Page.EvaluateExpressionAsync
- Page.GetTitleAsync
- Page.SetOfflineModeAsync
- Page.CloseAsync
- Page.Console
- Page.WaitForTimeoutAsync
- Page.WaitForFunctionAsync
- Puppeteer.ConnectAsync
- Browser.Disconnect();

Don’t stop coding!